You're looking at a critical PLANNING DEPT map, to help WA’s Planning Commission decide if a potentially dangerous development - RIGHT NEXT DOOR to proposed North $toneville, should be approved. This plan, called ‘SP79’, belongs to Parkerville Children and Youth Care - part of the Anglican Church, which owns North Stoneville next door. The plan is for 56 houses, crammed into Kilburn Rd, an Extreme Bushfire Zone, 56 sewerage systems (ATUs) just 30 METRES from Clutterbuck Creek, ZERO Public Open Space, and limited emergency exits for 240 people onto RURAL Roland Rd. (by the way - Mundaring Council rejected it - so the WAPC gets to decide). Can you see the mapping mistakes ‘Toodyay Rd’ is NOT Toodyay Road! It’s just little old ‘Woolhouse Lane’ (old Cameron Rd). And ‘Great Eastern Highway’ - is the VERY RURAL - RILEY ROAD! North $toneville is circled as if it’s a handful of hectares - not 555!!! But it also appears North $toneville reaches Toodyay Rd! And SP79 looks almost as BIG as North Stoneville! And Mundaring is NOT 4 kms away - it's AT LEAST 6-8 KMS! These errors are more than ‘typos’ They’re seriously misleading. FALSE impressions about vital bushfire escape options. Fortunately, Save Perth Hills was in the WAPC opposing this plan - and exposed these unacceptable errors. We asked the WAPC to DEFER A DECISION on SP79 because the Wooroloo Bushfire findings are due in just 2 weeks. And WA’s significant Bushfire Planning Review is due in just a couple of months. These important inquiries will help to ensure this questionable plan meets the most up to date bushfire standards. But - at the end of the day - it should NOT rest with the Community, or Save Perth Hills, to ensure our State’s Planners have ACCURATE DATA on which to make decisions on which LIVES DEPEND. It really makes you wonder - what else have they got wrong???
30 years into the North Stoneville Saga, and we like to think nothing can surprise us anymore...