Save Perth Hills is actively spreading the word why we strongly oppose Satterley’s high-density suburban development in North Stoneville.
On January 21st members of Save Perth Hills and the Stoneville and Parkerville Progress Association met with local MP Matthew Hughes Member for Kalamunda (2nd from left), in Mundaring, to discuss our many concerns the proposed North Stoneville development presents Mundaring and the Perth Hills.
Matthew dedicated more than an hour of his time to us, during which we discussed:
* Risks: socially and environmentally, of densely populating Australia’s 5th highest fire risk shire with a stranded community of 4000+ people in a proven catastrophic fire zone
* Serious fire-fighting issues of water availability, water pressure, and emergency access to the proposed suburban-style townsite
* the lack of suitable roads and escape options in a fire emergency
* increased traffic on roads that are rural and have no planned upgrades by the developer
waste water treatment challenges regarding safe storage, runoff and management
* the lack of any supportive community infrastructure to support more than 4000 people
* potential for Mundaring Shire ratepayers to pay for the townsite’s major infrastructure costs
* no public transport or schools, at least until 2031
the pressures on Mundaring to cater adequately for an extra 4000+ people
* bulldozing thousands of trees, some 100 years old, and habitats of long-established wildlife
* questions around how planning for this development got so far, and;
* how we might better understand the complicated planning processes
Matthew said he would be taking our concerns to Planning Minister Rita Saffioti MLA.
In the meantime, Save Perth Hills is preparing submissions to meet directly with departmental officers from Planning and the WA Planning Commission.
The Mundaring Council says it will reveal its recommendations either at April or May’s scheduled Council meeting. We’ll maintain contact with our Councillors to ensure we stay properly informed.
NOTE: The next Council meeting is 6.30pm Tuesday February 12 at the Shire offices.
Everyone is welcome to attend and ask questions about the Council’s progress on considering the submissions. Or come along just to show the Council you care about this issue - A LOT!
Save Perth Hills is a strongly committed and influential community group.
We don't want template suburban high-density in North Stoneville. We know it’s not suitable for our community or our environment. We know it will be the start of suburban-style development throughout Perth Hills.
We commit to encouraging our elected representatives to consider exciting, innovative and appropriate ways to create Sensible, Safe and Sustainable Communities in our beautiful but volatile environment.
Afterall, we’re all in this together!