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UPDATE the Shire's Local Planning Scheme

Save Perth Hills Inc

Are you free to join us next Tuesday Sept 8 at 6.30pm?❓😃

The Echo Newspaper is reporting a motion will be put to Council on Tuesday evening to UPDATE the Shire's Local Planning Scheme to reflect current bushfire risks, infrastructure limitations, and our community's desire to protect Perth Hills' environment. YAY!! 👍 (see link)

Come along to Tuesday's Council meeting, (Shire offices next to Puma), to urge Councillors to support a Scheme review to better match planning directions with our community and environment.

You can deliver a short 'deputation' (a speech, 3 mins max), or simply come along in support!

THIS IS IMPORTANT. We MUST URGE our Councillors to pass this Review as it would send ANOTHER signal to the Government that our Shire and community does not support DANGEROUS FIRE TRAP DEVELOPMENTS like North $toneville, and that we need a new direction that respects the Hills and safeguards communities.

While we're at it: You are ALL amazing! 🏆


Our Write to Rita campaign is going really well! ✅👩‍🦰

Planning Minister Rita Saffioti and Premier McGowan are receiving your emails urging Minister Saffioti to use her powers to CALL IN $atterley and the Anglican Church's shameful attempt to APPEAL the WAPC's REFUSAL of North Stoneville.

So, keep the (polite!) emails or letters rolling in to Rita!✍️

She has until Sept 9 to CALL IT IN!

Postal: Minister for Planning. 9th floor Dumas House. 2 Havelock St, West Perth 6005.

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Plan for the future, not the past, and safeguard Perth Hills bushfire prone communities.

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