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Blog Posts

  • Save Perth Hills Inc

$atterley loves to drag these things out. Even after the umpire calls time over and over and over…Read about it on WAToday Satterley Stoneville development: Tribunal scolds property group over unrelenting Perth Hills estate row (

The more time that passes, the more out-dated his urban plan in a fire prone area becomes. Meanwhile the cost on the WA tax payer continues to climb.

As for the Perth Hills community - our resolve only strengthens with each extension and extra chance this developer has been given. You’d think $atterley and the Anglican Church would have gotten the message by now that their plan is unsafe and undefendable…

Stay tuned for the next steps!

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  • Save Perth Hills Inc

We respectfully advise the following post references past bushfire events

Save Perth Hills acknowledges and remembers the Wooroloo Fire - the biggest for the Perth Hills in living memory.

Our thoughts are with those who lost property, animals and more…

Marking occasions like this reminds us of our brave fire fighters to who we all owe so much.

The re-building and healing is a journey. It’s a reminder that where possible, we do our collective best to build better for when fire visits again. And as a community - it’s a calling from all of us to those who wish to develop land in this region. It MUST be fire safe planning for the safety of all communities.

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  • Save Perth Hills Inc

Withdraw your dangerous North Stoneville Plan - forever!

February 2nd will determine the future of the 33-year long North Stoneville saga.

Meet us there on Friday 2nd Feb at STIRLING GARDENS, PERTH 9.45am

- OR -

Catch our FREE return SPH bus leaving SCULPTURE PARK, MUNDARING 8.45am

EVENT: 9.45am-11.00am: Opposite the Anglicans' St George's Cathedral and WA's State Tribunal.

Satterley will front the State Tribunal at 10.30am to either:

WITHDRAW their UNANIMOUSLY REJECTED PLAN, or Risk their Corporate reputation by demanding a TAXPAYER FUNDED trial for a plan confirmed as TOO DANGEROUS to build!

C'mon SATTERLEY - Accept the umpire's decision...


Bring your Save Perth Hills BANNERS! Invite your Family, Friends & Neighbours!

EMAIL us by January 30th to secure your free bus seat:

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