Satterley is presenting a 15 year staged plan - a highly unusual (never before) approach by this developer. Such a long term projection of start to finish for a stranded housing estate is contrary to ‘orderly and proper planning’, as it creates financial and planning uncertainty for the Shire, proposed estate residents, ratepayers, and for the State and its taxpayers. 400 homes are proposed to be built by 2031, and the remaining 601 not finished until the unfunded, un-committed East Link is finished - which Satterley estimates would be 2038. This is an assumption only - no Federal or State commitment exists for East Link.
The plan fails to support, and in fact contravenes the WA Govt’s strategic planning priorities, for ‘well-located infill urban residential development that leverages investment in METRONET Infrastructure.’ According to the WA State Government’s infill strategy - “A ‘METRONET Station Precinct’ is required, or within 1000 m of a nominated METRONET station.” (For North Stoneville - the closest METRONET is 20 kms away, with ZERO prospect of METRONET ever making its way up Great Eastern Highway or Toodyay Road).
A 15 year staged plan potentially leaves 400 houses (at least 1,120 people) in limbo for commitment to, and provision of services such as childcare centres, schools, shopping centres, services or road upgrades until the entire townsite is completed 7 years (or more) later. The State Govt will not commit to schools or other State services on site, (including road upgrades or public transport), until the population on site supports it. 1,120 people does not support it. These residents will be minus essential services for at least 6 years which is unacceptable.
Stranded Community
The key objections
1. The greatest risk of all is that the ‘staged plan’ will finish at 2031… and remain incomplete. The WAPC is being asked to approve a plan that will take at least 15 years to complete - with no confirmation that will occur. Risks include developer losing interest, financial changes to the industry and / or the company, bushfires rendering the site unsuitable (unallowable) for further development (as per Eastern States floods), and - critically - that the developer’s bushfire solution - East Link - does NOT proceed as the developer assumes.
2. Distance to nearest METRONET Station (Midland) 20 kms away - contravenes current State Govt Planning Strategies.
3. No public transport. The WAPC Transport Impact Assessment Guidelines Vol 2 (2016) says it is desirable that at least 90% of dwellings be within a 500m straight line of a bus route. This is not possible at North Stoneville. Additionally, only 40% of homes (400) will be built on site up to 2031 - confirming NO public transport until the remainder are built - at earliest - 2038.
4. The reduction of lots from 1450 to 1001 is an illusion, as Lot 1, which has been ‘removed’, can be rezoned at a later date allowing for the 20 hectares to be converted into housing. Also, 2,360 houses across the road (North Parkerville) must be considered as a major population increase, as that development will share critical infrastructure with North Stoneville (WWTP), and will increase the density, and intensify all the constraints and impacts of North Stoneville.
5. Limited water and low water pressure mean North Stoneville households will be allocated 20,000kl less water than their suburban counterparts ‘down the hill’ despite being located in the middle of a proven catastrophic bushfire region.
6. No ‘walkability’ outside this township as per Liveable Neighbourhoods Design Principle, and no public transport, so no connection to major shops and essential services - Mundaring (8kms), Midland (20kms). This lack of walkability contravenes current State Planning Strategies. Footpaths are not possible on the winding, narrow, rural roads of Stoneville or Roland.
7. This remains a dangerous and destructive plan from the past – thought up 32 years ago, and totally inappropriate for a future of Climate Change, increasingly dangerous bushfire catastrophes, no connectivity to ANY transport hubs, 20 kms from major arterial routes, un-supported by services and infrastructure and with limited employment prospects. Urban sprawl and urban development in Perth Hills are inappropriate and increasingly dangerous. This proposal is out of sync with Hills’ lifestyle, amenity, environment and bushfire risks.