Don't they look awesome!
We’ve had many of you reach out and ask for a SPH banner to display. We’re super excited that our banners are in such high demand! BUT..
We are all out! Our legendary volunteers have done an amazing job, and special thanks goes to
Toms Cafe Blinds & Concrete for supplying canvasses.
So, we and we now are turning it over to each and every one of you!
Feel free to get creative and put your own (polite!) signs up on your fences! Wherever you are - we need to let people know to come to the Rally on March 15 9.30am - Sculpture Park Mundaring to say NO to North Stoneville and NO to Planning Disasters!
Get cracking on those banners and we’ll feature some here on FB!
NB: The Shire is supportive of polite banners on private fences.
