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Boxing Day Bushfires

Save Perth Hills Inc

*** Our thoughts are with those throughout our Hills’ Community affected by the Boxing Day Bushfires. And our heartfelt thanks go to all who are helping the ongoing firefighting and recovery efforts***

How was Boxing Day 2021 for you Nigel, and your $atterley team?

Up here more than 200 firefighters, including our own vollies, left their families to battle bushfires in 40+ degree heat around Wooroloo and Chidlow.

Many are still there - more than 24 hours later.

An estate, with just one road in and out, bordered by a Nature Reserve, (sound familiar?), was in big trouble.

One house has burned, some families spent the night in an evacuation centre (amid Covid restrictions), returning home to bushfire ravaged property.

Like the February Wooroloo bushfires, the DFES’ Warning Advice stretched to the borders of your North $toneville Disaster Plan.

A New Year looms, dragging you, your lawyers, WA’s taxpayers, and our Community, into what will be one and a half years of Appeals.

How many more bushfires do you need to prove your North $toneville plan is doomed - in every respect?

Your reputation is riding on this.

Along with people’s homes - and people’s lives.

These bushfires are warning you: Suburban style housing estates for more than 4000 people - such as ‘North $toneville’, are now DANGEROUS up here.

How much longer will you continue to IGNORE all the warnings?

One thing we do know:

Save Perth Hills will continue to fight to protect our Community from dangerous developments, such as North $toneville - for as long as it takes.

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