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Chidlow Chatter

Save Perth Hills Inc

Hills Communities SAY NO to $ATTERLEY - AGAIN.

Word is spreading fast about $atterley’s decision to draw up an ‘amended’ urbanisation plan, despite 32 years’ relentless rejection of a bushfire dangerous and environmentally destructive townsite at ‘North $toneville.’

This week the amazing ‘Chidlow Chatter’ has devoted its entire front page of its December issue, to ‘Satterley’s Desperate Re-launch of Doomed Hills Plan.' (click to open the article and it's easier to read).

And our Friends at Darlington Ratepayers and Residents’ Association (DRRA)have voted to support Save Perth Hills’ campaign to “SAY NO AGAIN” to $atterley’s seemingly endless attempts - and appeals, to urbanise Stoneville.

$atterley’s tweaked plan will be thrust on our Community for ‘public comment’ - at the height of the bushfire season in January..

Already many of our local Community ratepayer and resident groups have booked Save Perth Hills to present our ‘SAY NO AGAIN’ Campaign including Stoneville & Parkerville Progress Association Inc (SPPA), Darlington's DRRA, Mt Helena Residents and Ratepayers' Association, and Mundaring Ratepayers and Residents.

If your local community, environmental, sporting, wildlife, water catchment group – or any local group would like to book a free “SAY NO AGAIN” SPH Presentation – just let us know!

And remember your donations are vitally important to fund our campaign. 800 SPH car stickers landed last week – courtesy of our Community’s collective generosity! 100 of them are already out and about spreading the SPH word!

*Bendigo Bank; Save Perth Hills Inc BSB 633000 / Acct-160715942

*Containers for Change - SPH-C1030727

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