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Echo News Report - North Stoneville

Save Perth Hills Inc

By Claire Ottaviano

IN a move that has both shocked and pleased Perth Hills residents, Shire of Mundaring staff have recommended rejecting the proposed North Stoneville development.

The Shire report, which will be considered at a special council meeting on Tuesday, August 27, recommends refusal of Structure Plan 34 (SP34) because traffic growth would put pressure on the existing road network and become a risk to community safety.

Based on a traffic impact assessment and community feedback, Shire officers said there was uncertainty the road network could safely accommodate the additional 4000 residents expected under the plan.

In its submission, Main Roads WA also said Great Eastern Highway did not have the capacity to accommodate the volumes of traffic expected.

Save Perth Hills secretary Paige McNeil said it was a common sense decision.

“The roads cannot handle the increase, the recommendation is very good news,” she said.

“We’re very pleased the Shire was prudent and diligent in their investigations as far as traffic goes.”

Of 957 public submissions, 86 per cent objected and only 2 per cent were in support of SP34, with the remainder giving mixed opinions or providing advice only.

Comments in objection mainly related to traffic impact, residential density, bushfire risk, environmental destruction, amenity and lifestyle and increased crime.

These issues and more are expected to be raised at a special electors’ meeting this coming Monday, August 12 at 6.30pm.

In anticipation of community interest, the Shire will hold the meeting in the civic area – with a capacity for 100 people – adjoining the Council chamber to allow for a larger audience.

The meeting will also be broadcast through a sound system so the expected overflow of attendees outside the room can listen to the meeting.

Ten deputations had already been submitted when Echo News went to print on Wednesday.

In a statement released on Wednesday the Shire said the applicant, Satterley Property Group, needed to further investigate traffic improvements.

Satterley WA operations general manager Brendan Gorringe said Satterley recieved the report and recommendations on SP34 on Wednesday.

“We will now undertake a thorough review of the officer’s report and associated recommendations, which are due to be considered at a special council meeting later this month,” he said.

“It would be premature for Satterley to comment further until the report and the recommendations have been considered by the Council.

“Satterley has always followed proper planning and statutory processes.”

The full council report on SP34 is available on the City’s website at www.munda

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