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The Fight Continues...

Save Perth Hills Inc


Despite our Community REJECTING North Stoneville

Despite our Council - a year ago this week, REJECTING North Stoneville.

Despite WA’s most senior Planning authority, the WAPC, REJECTING North Stoneville...

And, despite North Stoneville contravening 4 State Planning policies...

$atterley is appealing the rejection...

So, Save Perth Hills is appealing to Planning Minister Rita Saffioti MLA

“Please, Minister. Use your powers, under the Act, to ensure our community’s concerns are upheld and the WAPC’s decision - to REFUSE North Stoneville, stands.”

$atterley is entitled to appeal to the State Administrative Tribunal.

But we’re truly dismayed the landowner, the Anglican Church, supports an appeal, given REFUSAL was based on severe BUSHFIRE risks.

Therefore, we also appeal to Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy:

“Please Archbishop. Use your powers, as head of WA’s Anglican Church, to withdraw the appeal and demonstrate you hold the protection of life as more valuable than a return on land that was a gift”.

And, to $atterley:

We've fought this for 26 years. We’re in this for as long as you persist with a plan that risks your reputation - and our lives.

Stand by everyone. This could get very interesting...

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