$atterley’s intention to bulldoze 200 hectares of biodiverse forest at North $toneville is so destructive, it’s considered a ‘Matter of National Environmental Significance’. Please email Minister.Plibersek@dcceew.gov.au referencing ‘EPBC SATTERLEY 2018/8382’. Ask the Federal Environment Minister to REFUSE $atterley’s application to destroy North $toneville – which is 150 hectares bigger than Kings Park. You simply need to register your opposition – no lengthy email required. Nationally threatened birds and animals, migratory species, plus ecological communities on North $toneville will be destroyed by $atterley’s bulldozers. Federal Minister Tanya Plibersek will make the decision under Australia’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC). Here’s an opportunity for the Federal Government to make good their election promises on Climate Change and to END destruction of endangered native flora and fauna. $atterley wants to trade our precious biodiversity for $$$ through ‘offsets’.
This is morally and ethically wrong, and for the landowner, the Anglican Church, to allow destruction of native forest, ‘gifted’ to the Church by Queen Victoria, (NOT from the Traditional Owners???)... is absolutely shameful.