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Save Perth Hills Inc

2 SLEEPS TO GO! ...and then it's RALLY TIME

Cookie Cutter urban estates DO NOT belong in the Perth Hills. It makes NO sense to destroy 550 Hectares of natural habitat for urbanisation! Allowing urban North Stoneville to proceed will literally pave the way for urban North Parkerville... The hills as we all know them would never be the same again... Once it's gone... IT'S GONE...!

Urbanisation on this scale surrounded by farmland and forest will be a dangerous Fire Trap.... and with thousands of additional people to evacuate in the event of a fire, this proposal would cost lives if it were ever allowed to be built. We MUST send the message, AGAIN, that North $toneville CANNOT proceed.

All Save Perth Hills Rallies have been HUGE and this one is shaping up to be our biggest yet... We have an incredible line-up of speakers who you won't want to miss.

Now... WHO is coming with you? We reckon you should bring ya mates, your partner, your kids, your neighbours to all show up to Save Perth Hills! It's all happening at Sculpture Park in Mundaring THIS Sunday the 5th Feb from 10-11

Essential Items to have with you - it's gonna be a warm one... Hat Water bottle Your voice! Any spare cash to donate Sun screen

Chair or picnic blanket

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