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Arrest Made

Save Perth Hills Inc


THANK YOU Greg Rankine , local vollie and Stoneville resident, for speaking up on behalf of bushfire prone communities, on 7 News last night.

Given the developments around the alleged cause of the Wooroloo Bushfire, there must be NO MORE DELAYS by the Government to call a full and open PUBLIC Inquiry.

The court case will procced. But it does NOT prevent an Inquiry into the management of this catastrophic blaze, and what should be done differently next time… especially given WA’s Bushfire Planning Framework is currently under review.

Bushfire prone communities, such as ours, MUST BE ARMED with the latest information. Our next Bushfire Season is less than 12 weeks away.

The Keelty Report, into Roleystone’s 2011 bushfire, sparked by a person using an angle grinder, was given Royal Commission powers, and was completed within 6 months of that disaster. It told State Parliament, in 2011, about WA’s ‘inadequate ability to minimise bushfire risk’, with the uncanny warning - ‘potential for another Roleystone remains'. Head of the-then FESA was sacked after that scathing Report.

Wooroloo Bushfire was the Perth Hills’ biggest bushfire, and burned to Perth’s suburban fringe. As Greg Rankine said, our region is 'vulnerable and volatile' - to all kinds of bushfire threats.

An Inquiry is IMPERATIVE. There are no excuses left.

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