The Shire of Mundaring has announced that the Special Council Meeting regarding Structure Plan 34 (AKA North $toneville) has been scheduled for AUGUST... mic drop...
Key points in the media release:
• The plan had been to hold the meeting in May
* The extension provides additional time to consider numerous public and agency submissions regarding the proposal.
• All parties including Satterley and the WAPC are in support of the extension.
• Quote: "An assessment of the district road network is currently underway which will further inform the Shire’s review of Satterley’s Traffic Impact Assessment, provided as part of the overall report."
• Further details will be out soon...
Thank you to all you amazing Save Perth Hills supporters - stay tuned and encourage anyone not already following this page to hit the Follow button to receive all our updates!
NB: $atterley timeline above was posted 14/1/2019.
Source: https://satterley.com.au/documents-and-media/documents/wa/north-stoneville/north-stoneville-timeline-14-january-2019.pdf