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Save Perth Hills Inc

The Shire report was released today ahead of the Council Meeting this month (August 27th). It raises concerns over increased traffic on existing roads, stating it is 'inconsistent with orderly and proper planning.'

This report is presented to councillors to help them make a decision regarding SP34 (North Stoneville).

We have MANY more concerns regarding North Stoneville, as does our hills community!



If you'd like to be heard as a community BEFORE the councillors vote on North Stoneville, please attend the SPECIAL ELECTORS MEETING this Monday August 12. (6:30pm Shire Office Civic Room - 7000 Great Eastern Way, Mundaring)

This is our LAST chance to come together as a community to show the Shire how we feel about this proposed development.


Check out the Shire report (link below).

SUMMARY (from report) states:

After assessing these and other factors against relevant legislation, policies, guidelines and agency advice, this report finds that SP34 is generally compliant with the relevant parts of the planning framework and is capable of approval. However, the Shire’s assessment of the traffic generated by the proposed development confirms it would exacerbate road network capacity constraints, compromising public safety. In the absence of a coordinated solution to regional, district and local network issues, it would be inconsistent with orderly and proper planning to support SP34 as proposed.

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