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Save Perth Hills Inc

Disgraceful. On So Many Levels.

A developer fined $250,000 for destroying 10 hectares of black cockatoo habitat. Paltry pocket-money - and they still get to build their development.

Meanwhile, at North $toneville, $atterley and the Anglican Church want to destroy 20 times that amount of native bush, (200+ hectares), home to 3 species of threatened black cockatoos (and a whole lot more):

- Carnaby’s (Endangered)

- Baudin’s (Endangered)

- Forest Red-tailed (Vulnerable)

$atterley's North $toneville environmental destruction 'Off-$et' includes 'artificial hollows' positioned among their 1,500 houses, and giving 'research' cash to WA's Museum, which examines cockatoo habitat loss.

Such cruel irony...

No amount of money or fines will bring back the bush - or birds.

What part of 'Once it's Gone, it's Gone' doesn't the Govt, or developers, get?

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