Our team has been staying on the case with the environmental report requirements around proposed North $toneville. The EPBC Canberra office has told Save Perth Hills that it requires more information from Satterley - apparently not satisfied with Satterley‘s initial response - which has taken the developer 7 months to compile and submit!
The massive environmental impact was one of the reasons WA's Planning Commission rejected North Stoneville in July last year, which Satterley is now appealing. Last October many of you provided formal submissions to the "EPBC" (Federal Enviro Protection Dept), outlining serious concerns about impacts to the 555 hectares of flora and fauna, including endangered species. The quality and intensity of public scrutiny is the reason $atterley has apparently been told to come back with a more appropriate response.
Our Save Perth Hills banners are out on the streets again to remind everyone that THIS IS NOT OVER YET. And thanks to YOU we're making great progress to expose the dangers and sheer inappropriateness of North Stoneville.