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Save Perth Hills Inc

Important Update

This Tuesday evening, December 10, Mundaring Shire Council will consider declaring a Climate Change Emergency.

THIS is important...

If you can, please join us at 6.30pm tomorrow night, at the Shire offices. Mundaring is WA’s highest fire risk shire and Australia’s 5th highest.

Save Perth Hills will make a deputation pushing for a joint Shire-Council statement to all our politicians and planning authorities - including the WA Planning Commission, that we all need to step back, immediately, and carefully consider how to plan safely and appropriately in volatile environments like ours - especially as the Eastern States’ fires continue to burn.

Our weather records are tumbling - hottest, driest, longest, earliest...

WHY is this important? A declaration would help consolidate our position that Perth’s Hills are no place for suburban style developments, like the Satterley and Anglican Church proposal of ‘North Stoneville’, that would see thousands more people living in extreme and proven fire zones.


Seven West Media:

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