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It's submission time again!

Save Perth Hills Inc

Updated: Apr 26, 2019

SUBMISSION TIME...we have just over a week to go to get a submission in to the WAPC about the proposed rezoning of 'Parkerville Farm'. (Link at the bottom).

Here's some clarity on the urban proposals affecting Parkerville & Stoneville. The map shows the North Stoneville Proposal, the North Parkerville Proposal and the smallest one is the proposed Parkerville Farm rezoning which is the area we have until 3rd May to write a submission for.....

All of these proposals impact on anyone living in the hills area, using the connecting roads, accessing the local shops/services (Mundaring), concerned about environmental impacts and the degradation of Perth's beautiful backyard... (which affects Perth City and tourism opportunities).

The issue requiring urgent attention is the proposed Parkerville Farm re-zoning. You have until the 3rd May to write a submission. This stuff often gets missed, but we're bringing it out into the open. Your North Stoneville submissions can form the basis of this one, so no need to start over, just adjust to suit the Parkerville Farm situation.

Background: An application has been to rezone MORE land to URBAN in Parkerville under the Metropolitan Regional Scheme - This is your chance to make a public submission before 3 May 2019. Don't put it off - use the Submission Link now to submit to the WAPC.

The land between our little townsites, like the old Parkerville Farm at risk in this application, is meant to remain rural (In the current Mundaring Planning Scheme 4) so as to prevent continuous urban sprawl in our beautiful hills.

If this rezoning goes ahead, with the proposed North Stoneville Plans and now the proposed Parkerville Urban Expansion, there will be nothing more than one row of rural blocks between these townsites. This kind of erosion of the planning intent for the hills will set bad precedent and destroy the rural character which we all know and love - so get to work and make a submission!!


Put your 'planning matters caps' back on to write a good submission... This submission is to the Western Australian Planning Comission (WAPC) Your previous submission can form the basis of this one, so no need to start over. See below for issues you could include. Remember you have until May 3rd.

- Environment (this site abuts Clutterbuck Creek in the Jane Brook Catchment), noise, light, vehicle pollution, tree clearing, wildlife).

- Bushfire (additional population on existing roads)

- Social (Views, amenity, cultural, economic eg tourism)

- Infrastructure or lack of - shops, roads, medical etc

- Planning scheme intent to keep rural buffers around townsites in the Mundaring Shire

- Traffic Impacts

- Vision of the Mundaring 2026 Plan 'A sense of Place, A sense of Space'

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