With the greatest respect... A **Bushfire Trigger Alert** applies to this important post.
We recognise this challenging time of year for our Community. We’re hyper-aware of bushfires, and the increasing number of tragic reminders and commemorations they cause. Today is one of those days... January 3rd, 2008 - a windy and blistering 40+degrees. A bushfire blazed through parts of Parkerville and Stoneville, trapping people on their properties, in their homes, even in a dam. All fearing for their lives. It burned on Anglican-owned land bordering ‘North $toneville’. Anglican Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy has the power to STOP ‘North $toneville’. Indeed, just 10 days ago the Archbishop acknowledged - in her Christmas message: 'the intense challenges and adversity from the ravages of devastating bushfires...’. Yet, at the same time, her Diocese, and business partner $atterley, are pulling together their 'amended' plan to cram 4,000+ people into North $toneville’s proven Extreme Bushfire Zone. Today, we stand with those remembering... JOIN US at 10am, Sunday February 5, at Sculpture Park Mundaring, where we will unite - AGAIN - to END the utter stupidity of KNOWINGLY putting THOUSANDS of people in HARM'S WAY – to pocket an easy profit - by those who should know better.