2000 people! 2000 NO’s… Quote of the Day!…Dr Brad Pettitt MLC Greens - on the madness of $atterley’s North ‘$toneville’: ‘So many layers of stupid’.
The official NO’s today came from: Dr Wayne Gregson - ex DFES Commissioner Bob Brown - Eco Legend Save Perth Hills Chair Peter Brazier Brad Pettitt MLC Greens Simon Cherriman -Scientist Greg Rankine - Local resident Paige McNeil - former SPH Chair Jane Hammond - Black Cocky Crisis film maker Nolan Hunter - First Nations Voice Andrew Wallace - Hills teenager Cleo Williams - Hills teenager
...AND THANK YOU to our AMAZING Community - 32 years STRONG! Turning up today sends a message AGAIN! That North $toneville MUST NOT PROCEED! We’ll post details soon on how to ‘SAY NO - AGAIN!’
Images : Zac Williams ZW Photography