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More Delays - But its NOT over!

Save Perth Hills Inc

Breaking News 

(Please note: This post references bushfire)

$atterley has been granted yet ANOTHER DELAY in its legal fight for its proposed bushfire-dangerous and environmentally destructive North $toneville development.

On Friday at the State Administrative Tribunal (4/10), $atterley’s Paul McQueen said North Stoneville is a complex MONSTER of a case and so they need MORE TIME to prepare. Huh? Really?  $atterley's been working this plan since 2016 and STILL needs MORE time?

Our case is very simple to our community.

If Satterley and the Anglican Church bulldoze 60,000+ magnificent trees to enable a suburban townsite of 3000+ people inside an extreme bushfire zone – they will KNOWINGLY put thousands of lives at huge risk.

Removing 60,000 trees for a suburban townsite does NOT make life safer during a bushfire emergency up here.

 It means more people are at risk.

 It means deadly dangerous traffic gridlock.

 It means 2000 extra cars carrying 3000+ extra people (plus the rest of us), on rural Stoneville and Roland Roads in a bushfire emergency. Add MORE cars and people, if a bushfire happens during school time.

 It means entrapment of thousands of people battling smoke, poor visibility, downed power lines, tree branches, traffic jams - and panic.

There’ll be no such thing as safe evacuation - for any of us.

We’ve had 33 years of constant rejection by our Community, and DFES and WA’s Planning Commission in 2020 and 2023.

What WE need is Commonsense. Delay after delay is unfair and after 30+ years enough is enough!

But... $atterley needs - more time?

One GOOD thing - their delay bring us closer to State and Federal elections.

We, the community, hold the power – not $atterley - because we VOTE for OUR future.

Stay tuned, and please, donate, so we can pay for our legal fees to help SAVE PERTH HILLS.


    - BSB:633 000

    - Acc: 160715942

 Containers for Change: Save Perth Hills ID Number: C10307279

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Plan for the future, not the past, and safeguard Perth Hills bushfire prone communities.

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