Tanya needs to Act...
Nigel $atterley’s Federal ‘environmental approval' to BULLDOZE 60,000 TREES and Endangered Black Cockatoo habitat on proposed North $toneville, AND his FAR FAR AWAY Cockatoo 'offset' 184-kms in Williams' wheatbelt wilderness, is for...110 YEARS.
We thought it must be a typo. It's not.
Nigel's approval is until 2134, when Nigel will be, say,180 years old.
Waaaaay more important is that the last Carnaby's or Baudin's Black Cockies, will likely fall dead from their artificial hollows a mere 20 years or so into this outrageous century-plus approval - victims of chronic habitat loss, that Nigel, and North $toneville’s Anglican Church landowners, including, sadly, Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy, are helping to inflict. We believe this is the LONGEST-EVER environmental approval under Australia’s outdated ‘EPBC' Act.
We ask: Why has the Federal Govt handed an UNPRECEDENTED 110 YEARS’ environmental stewardship to Australia’s biggest private land developer to bulldoze environment of a species on the brink of extinction, then give that developer 110 YEARS to repent?
We ask: The Anglican Archbishop of Perth Kay Goldsworthy - will you come to watch the 60,000 trees being bulldozed, then pray for the displaced Cockies?
We ask: Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek - PLEASE hasten your consideration to 'REVOKE' the approval – surely made in error, by your South Australian delegate, on your behalf?
And we ask ALL of our AMAZING SUPPORTERS: PLEASE DONATE to help us Save Perth Hills. Every little bit helps...
We’re 100% Community funded and need to pay for lawyers in our fight against Satterley. This is NOT over. We have 9 months before the Tribunal Appeal to determine the 34-year battle we're waging for our Community... but we need your help - and lots of it
Bendigo Bank: BSB – 633000: Account - 160715942