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No Nigel No

Save Perth Hills Inc


Your ‘survey’ is no substitute for community consultation...

Selected residents around the proposed North Stoneville site have been sent a short letter signed by Nigel Satterley, with an offer of regular information bulletins on his plans for a townsite of 4,000 people. The letter includes a token community attitude survey.

Our position at Save Perth Hills is very clear. We want community consultation, but we want a genuine, independent process – and it must be designed, in part, by the community. Satterley should have approached the whole community 18 months ago when the latest structure plan was being developed!

The plan which has been put together without any real community involvement is dangerous and destructive. It was condemned by more than 1,000 people at a rally in Mundaring on April 7. Additionally, almost 1,000 public submissions have been received by the Mundaring Shire who confirmed an overwhelmingly objection to the proposed development.

The new contact with the community has been limited to people identified by Satterley as “direct neighbours”. In fact, the project will have serious implications for many thousands of people in the Eastern Hills.

SPH is concerned about Nigel Satterley’s statement in his letter which says “if we don’t hear back from you, we will respect you not wanting to be involved.”

No Nigel No! That’s not correct. The neighbours do NOT need to reply to your letter to be involved in community engagement.

The brief survey in Nigel’s Satterley’s letter to neighbours asks; “if you could make one suggestion to improve SP34 what would it be?”

Our answer is; “withdraw SP34 and consult comprehensively with the community”.

If you’re planning to respond to the letter and would like to know more about what we think of the project OR if you would like to share with us what you have sent to Satterley, please email us at

Our message to Nigel Satterley is very clear: No Nigel No!

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