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Potential Poo Problem

Save Perth Hills Inc

$atterley and the Anglican Church have a bad habit of ignoring warning signs around their dangerous and destructive proposed

North $toneville development...

Evidence of increasingly severe bushfires, insurmountable risks to people including entrapment, and unsustainable destruction of our environment - has consistently failed to move their corporate - or social, conscience.

Now, evidence of what's in store for North $toneville - and the rest of us living nearby

- regarding removal of poo.

Take a look at this ABC report on a South Australian community.

It's just like North $toneville - stranded, no infrastructure, no water - and suffering a serious overload of sewage and smell.

Their's is stored - then trucked out - just as $atterley intends for North $toneville's … until Satterley builds its WWTP - eventually - but when? (Stage 2 could be at least 10 years away!)

So yet ANOTHER warning about the North $toneville disaster plan....

Are you listening Nigel $atterley and Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy?

Just like the South Australian community - disgusting smells and daily truckloads of sewage could be the North $toneville norm - forever...

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