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Rally 23rd Feb, 10 am Sculpture Park

Save Perth Hills Inc

‘WE'RE STILL HERE!’ And the stakes have never been higher. Satterly and his Anglican church mates want to chainsaw 60,000+ trees, bulldoze habitat for our critcally endangered black cockatoos and are pushing on with their urban sprawl proposal from the 90's. Worst of all, bringing urban sprawl into the hills threatens our community's ability to safely evacuate in the event of fire.

This community has stood strong for over 30 years and we're only getting stronger. So what are you doing on the 23rd Feb? You're grabbing your mates, your neighbours, the kids, your awesome signs and your BIGGEST VOICE

Standing strong is what our community does best and we are united to keep the hills, the hills because "once it's gone... it's GONE!"

Over 3,800 of you are following our page so you know what to do... tag, comment, share and indicate you'll be coming along.

There is MASSIVE interest in our campaign to safeguard – not endanger, our bushfire prone community - and to protect – not destroy our unique biodiverse Perth Hills environment.

See you Sunday 23rd February, at 10am – at Sculpture Park, Mundaring – to let Nigel and the Anglican Church know, ‘WE'RE STILL HERE!’!

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Plan for the future, not the past, and safeguard Perth Hills bushfire prone communities.

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