6 years of planning and 2 years of mediation are still not enough time for $atterley to fix its flawed and failed North $toneville’ plan! At the Directions legal Hearing yesterday, $atterley requested yet ANOTHER extension to the 4th of November. When will WA’s State Administration Tribunal call time on $atterley’s excuses and delays? If $atterley can’t get it right in 6 years - why another 6 weeks????
This begs another PUB TEST that asks you, the community and taxpayers….. How much time should $atterley the developer be given to appeal the WA Planning Commission’s decision to REFUSE North $toneville? Let's not forget WA’s taxpayers are paying for the WAPC’s lawyers to appear at SAT.
Please visit our stall tomorrow at the Mundaring Rotary Markets Sunday 11th Sept. Buy a tshirt or some raffle tickets to support SPH as we seek legal advice .. Donations - BSB:633 000 - Acc: 160715942 Containers for Change: Save Perth Hills ID Number: C10307279