Despite 31 years' relentless Community opposition to urbanisation of the Anglican Diocese's 'North $toneville' 555-hectare Hills landholding, $atterley is throwing up an 'amended' 'North $toneville' plan seeking public response and WA Planning Commission approval.
This strongly suggests $atterley fears they'll lose if the matter goes to a full Tribunal hearing (SAT).
So what does $atterley do? They're coming back to the very Community they've offended and ignored over 4 long years, and who wrote more than 1,100 submissions REJECTING 'North $toneville'.
In typical $atterley style, their 'tweaked' plan will be thrust on us Jan-March, at the height of the 2023 bushfire season... and as we commemorate anniversaries of the Wooroloo, and the Stoneville, Parkerville and Mt Helena Bushfires, again demonstrating $atterley's ignorance and insensitivity to our Community's bushfire realities.
Get ready for BIG Community action!
Please DONATE, whatever you can, for SPH Campaign costs!
Bendigo Bank; Save Perth Hills Inc
BSB 633000 / Acct-160715942
Containers for Change - SPH-C1030727
Or drop some $ in the tins at Stoneville Fresh, Begonia Pets or the Artisan Bakery