A worthy ONE MILLION DOLLARS to from Labor (see information below) to save Swan Region’s Black Cockatoos.
Meanwhile, right next door at proposed ‘North $toneville, ONE SINGLE DECISION could see Nigel $atterley bulldoze Black Cockatoo habitat - and 60,000 trees - at proposed and despised ‘North $toneville.’
Federal Enviro Minister Plibersek will announce her decision Wednesday Sept 18.
Let Tania know the ONLY acceptable decision is to STOP $ATTERLEY, and SAVE PERTH HILLS’ COCKIES…
An approval, just 2 weeks after Nigel $atterley dined with the Prime Minister, is NOT an option.

We are protecting Carnaby's Black Cockatoo's locally in Hasluck, and in the Swan Region.
The Building Resilient Landscapes in the Swan Region Project will spend $1,000,000 locally to protect and support these beautiful birds.
This project will prevent further decline of Carnaby's Black Cockatoo populations by supporting species recovery working with community groups and the Whadjuk Noongar community.
The project will increase foraging, nesting and roosting habitat. Carnaby's Black Cockatoos will be benefited by raising awareness of their conservation needs, including encouraging participation in habitat restoration and building landscape connectivity and resilience.