YAY! Our in-demand SPH Car Stickers are BACK IN STOCK! Just in time for this weekend's Artisan Christmas Markets, Saturday and Sunday at Mundaring Arena!
Save Perth Hills' Santa Sack is BULGING with hundreds of new stickers, and important 'SAY NO - AGAIN' Campaign news!
Come and grab a sticker and catch up on the latest.
Meanwhile, the Xma$ Grinch is busy tweaking his ‘North $toneville’ Firetrap Disaster Plan, crammed with more than 1,300 black rooves, 6kms of bitumised road networks, and a 550-hectare Hills' landscape stripped of 14 registered Aboriginal Archaeological sites and bulldozed habitats of Critically Endangered Black Cockatoos. Yes - $atterley’s ‘tweaked’ plan is just 6 weeks away.
Get ready to ‘SAY NO - AGAIN!’ (More deats soon!!)
Unlike the Xma$ Grinch, SPH have much Christmas CHEER to share!
Drop in and see us 9.30am–3pm this weekend Mundaring Arena, Mundaring Weir Road. We’re at the main entrance!
Our ‘SAY NO – AGAIN’ Campaign donation tins will be there too!
And remember you can always pop in a donation via -
*Bendigo Bank; Save Perth Hills Inc BSB 633000 / Acct-160715942
*Containers for Change - SPH-C1030727