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What's on in AUGUST?

Save Perth Hills Inc

It's fair to say that the Perth Hills community does not want property developers coming in with their bulldozers and imposing urban estates on the natural environment...

YOU are after something different for the hills and the opportunity to speak up and contribute is in front of US all.

It's going to be a remarkable month!

You have all been amazing this year and showed spirit to stand up for the conservation, fire-safe communities, clean waterways, proper consultation, alternative ideas and more... AUGUST 2019 IS THE MONTH to show up for the Perth Hills.

Here's what is on:

✅ 7th AUG: Shire officer report and recommendations on North Stoneville will be released. It's far from done people! Like you, we'll be waiting with interest to read the report.

✅ MUNDARING 2030 - the future is ours workshops and online engagement - are you participating in any of these? Further details online here:

✅ 12th AUG: Special Electors Meeting on North Stoneville. Save Perth Hills will be presenting several deputations to the Shire - see you there!

✅ 27th AUG: Special Council Meeting on North Stoneville - see you there!

📷 IMAGE: We just ❤️ this depiction of Perth's Backyard Hills with Perth city in the background. Massive gratitude to the talented Nathan Dobbie:

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