State and Federal politicians and candidates from all political parties are expressing their dismay and outrage at Federal Minister Plibersek’s decision to approve the environmental destruction of North Stoneville. Just to remind you all - that is - permission to bulldoze a forest of 60,000 healthy habitat trees in the heart of Perth’s Hills...
Elections are looming and ALL political candidates have contacted SPH. Over next few weeks we’ll be sharing their posts of support for Save Perth Hills. All are writing to Minister Plibersek and you can too:
    IMPORTANT - Save Perth Hills is politically neutral.
First up we are sharing Mia Davies parliamentary post as Nationals State MP and who is now standing as the Nationals candidate for the new federal seat of Bullwinkel in which Stoneville is located. We'll be sharing other candidates' videos over the next few weeks.
Federal Minister Plibersek’s decision is clearly a hot potato!
Here’s the link to her Facebook post