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It's been a BIG year for SPH

Save Perth Hills Inc

2019 has been a BIG year for our Perth Hills Community... here's a quick recap!

FYI: Perth Anglican Diocese, Satterley, WA Labor, Liberals WA, The Greens (WA),Rita Saffioti MLA, Matthew Hughes Member for Kalamunda, Mark McGowan...

** 2019 Perth Hills Community Actions **

✅ January 2nd: 200+ people rally against North Stoneville.

✅ January 10th: Almost 1000 Public Submissions (a record number) received by the Shire of Mundaring.

✅ April 3rd: Federal Member for Hasluck, Ken Wyatt, speaks against the plan in the Federation Chamber, Canberra.

✅ April 7th: 1,500+ people rally in Mundaring

✅ April 2nd, 17th and 29th and ongoing: Letters sent to Perth Diocesan Trustees by Save Perth Hills Inc. requesting a meeting: EVERY REQUEST DENIED

✅ January-August: Mundaring Shire Officers take 8 months to prepare their Officers’ Report for Council

✅ August: Officers recommend rejection by Council on traffic impact - confirmed by Main Roads WA.

✅ August 12th: More than 200 attend a Special Electors’ Meeting to demand urgent and dangerous issues to be considered by Council additional to ‘traffic impact’.

✅ August 27th: 1,100 people attend Mundaring Shire’s Special Council Meeting - Councillors UNANIMOUSLY REJECT NORTH STONEVILLE (STRUCTURE PLAN 34).

✅ September 5th: Local Member for Kalamunda, Matthew Hughes delivers a Grievance Speech in State Parliament:

“The proposed North Stoneville Townsite detailed in SP34 should not proceed, and the community concern and the recommendation of the Council of the Shire of Mundaring must be heeded.”

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