What a year it has been! The Perth Hills Community has pulled together like never before to say NO WAY to urbanisation for the Perth Hills.
This time next week our Shire of Mundaring Councillors will vote on the biggest planning issue Mundaring Shire and the Perth Hills has ever faced.
You may have noticed in The Echo newspaper - courtesy of generous donations from you, the people concerned about Perth Hills’ future - we published a full page advertisement calling on our Councillors to vote NO to North Stoneville (SP34) at the upcoming Special Council Meeting. The meeting will be at 6.30pm, August 27 at Mundaring Arena, Weir Rd (see our Facebook Event)
If you have tuned in with interest and not been able to make a Save Perth Hills gathering of community - please do what you can to make THIS one! We are inspiring residents across the Perth metropolitan area who are saying to us "well done!", "keep going!" and "we wish we could have saved our bushland".
Times have changed and 1990's planning decisions are no longer fit-for-purpose for Perth. This is the time to stand up and show up for the Perth Hills!
The more of you there - the stronger the message to our politicians, to Satterley and to the Anglican Church.
See you at Mundaring Arena, Tuesday 27th August 6:30 pm ✅
Further details in the link below: https://www.mundaring.wa.gov.au/AboutCouncil/Council/Documents/Agenda%20Special%20Council%20Meeting%2027%20August%202019.pdf
To Donate go to https://www.saveperthhills.net/donate
