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People Power

Save Perth Hills Inc

PEOPLE POWER is winning the fight to end proposed N.$toneville.

The size of our Facebook audience and emailing mailing list continues to grow - if you haven't already, please LIKE and SHARE our Facebook Page. If you don't use Facebook that's OK. All posts are repeated on this Blog and shared via email so you will still be kept up to date.

We have lots of news and announcements coming and this is the best way to ensure you don't miss a thing. Liking our page also shows the community, the government and $atterley that we have strength in numbers! If you don't use Facebook perhaps you have a family member or friend who does? Get them to like the posts for you.

Have something to say and not on Facebook? Send me an email with your comment and "for Facebook" and I'll post it on your behalf.

IMPORTANT: this development is only proposed. It is NOT a DONE deal.

Look at how much has been achieved in the past 12 months. We urge everyone in Perth to get behind this community movement to end Perth's urban sprawl.

This is where it STOPS!

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