PUB TEST #2 OF 4 Sovereign Risk! WOW! Seems there’s much more at stake than saving 4,000 souls from bushfire if North $toneville is re-zoned Rural!! Save Perth Hills and Mundaring Council want it changed from Urban back to a safer Rural zone. But look at this FASCINATING Freedom of Info we got, on $atterley’s ‘STRONG OBJECTIONS’! Apparently, ‘down-sizing’ North $toneville will... - Discourage investment in WA! - Damage trust in the planning system ( yeah - nah...) AND... - Pose a ‘$ignificant $overeign Risk’ for the Govt!
What’s $overeign Risk, you ask? Good question!!
We understand it’s to do with... Foreign Investment? Mmmm, interesting...
Are international investors involved? If so - who and with whom?
What do YOU think? Would a safer ‘Rural’ zone tip the bucket on WA’s financial security? Does this pass the Pub Test? Add your (polite!) comments! As usual, bits got blanked out (‘confidential’ to $atterley’s appeal, apparently).
We’ll post the entire $atterley report, (as we received it!), on our website soon. Pub Test #3 not far away!
--------------------------------- DONATIONS: It's that time of year where we need to rattle the tins and pay for some ongoing costs related to insurance and upcoming campaigns - like what we do and want to help? Please chip a few bucks our way. • BSB:633 000 • Acc: 160715942 You can also support SPH by donating your Containers for Change to ID: C10307279
