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  • Save Perth Hills Inc

Support from Ken Wyatt

As the Anglican Church’s dangerous and destructive North Stoneville Planning Disaster heads to its ultimate Judgement Day, letters of political support keep rolling in to SAVE PERTH HILLS!

The latest, from Federal Cabinet Minister and local Federal Member for Hasluck, Ken Wyatt.

Ken understands our fragile native environment must be protected. The Church’s planned destruction of over 200 hectares of bushland to build tiny 💲atterley houses inside an Extreme Bushfire Zone is unacceptable to our leaders, our community and future generations.

We’re on the Home Run folks! A decision looms in July.

Stick with us... we’ll need your help to get this Planning Disaster shut down - forever.

Details soon!

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Plan for the future, not the past, and safeguard Perth Hills bushfire prone communities.

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