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Save Perth Hills Inc

Your support, from all over the Perth’s Hills and beyond, after the unavoidable cancellation of our Rally this weekend, has been overwhelming!

Understandably there was disappointment, balanced with an equally strong sense of gratitude for putting our Community’s safety first.

We’ve been inundated with kind words and also many new supporters!

We THANK all those who planned to join our Rally, many of you from around the State, also tirelessly fighting your own local planning disasters. Gelorup, Gnangara, Wanneroo, Iluka, Nedlands, South Perth, Subiaco, Forrestfield, Melville, Edgewater, Duncraig, Wembley, Scarborough, Joondalup and more!

Uncertain times require an adaptable response.

So Save Perth Hills will be launching our ‘Virtual Campaign’ to demonstrate our community’s COLLECTIVE OBJECTION to the dangerous and destructive North Stoneville plan which puts 4000+ people inside an Extreme Fire Zone.

Encourage your friends and neighbours to join our Facebook page, or email, to receive updates in the lead up to the expected April decision by the WA Planning Commission development. STAY TUNED PEOPLE 👀

Save Perth Hills is supported by thousands of residents and an outstanding local business community.

Our HUGE THANKS to these local businesses who stand by us at every turn.

Please support these businesses, because they support us - and after all, that's exactly what OUR COMMUNITY is all about...

Toms Canvas and Blinds

The Artisan Mundaring Bakery Cafe

Begonia Pets and Produce

Mundaring Crafty Corner

Everbloom Nursery

Gidgegannup Bakery & Cafe

Gidgegannup General Store

Bungalow Garden & Gifts

Glen Forrest Stockfeeds

Hills Fresh

Hills Seafood

The Lazy Corner

Little Nook Cafe

Little Treasures

Mahogany Creek Secondhand & Old Wares

Cafe Mojo Mundaring

Mundaring Hotel

Muzz Buzz Midland

Parkerville Tavern

The Parky Pitstop Lunch Bar & Deli

Parrallas Café

A Patch of Country

Club Sierra Health & Fitness Centre

Sticky Fingers Candy Store

Stoneville Take Away

Stoneville fresh supermarket

Stoneville Liquor Store

Wasteless Pantry

Mundaring Wellness Centre

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Plan for the future, not the past, and safeguard Perth Hills bushfire prone communities.

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