Ok everyone - August is going to be a BIG month. There will be TWO significant North Stoneville Meetings at the Shire of Mundaring.
Tonight we're announcing the **Special Electors Meeting** on Monday 12th August at 6:30pm.
Save Perth Hills has called this meeting. (It is in addition to the Special Council meeting about SP34 on the 27th August.)
Save Perth Hills will present a series of deputations during the meeting. We will post additional news and updates on our Facebook Page and website. For now though, please SAVE THE DATE!
• Venue: Shire of Mundaring Civic area next to council chambers
• Published notice link: https://www.mundaring.wa.gov.au/AboutCouncil/Council/Documents/Special%20Meeting%20of%20Electors%2012%20August%202019.pdf
Thanks for your support
Save Perth Hills Team