Many of you have been asking who owns the North Stoneville site and wondering why the land-owner isn’t part of the conversation...
Save Perth Hills wonders the same thing.
The 555-hectare site is owned by the Anglican Church.
Save Perth Hills has approached the Anglican Church through the Anglican Diocesan Board of Trustees, on three separate occasions, to discuss the future of North Stoneville. The Church’s proposal, to develop a suburban housing estate for more than 4000 people, we believe, is a grave threat to the Perth Hills’ community and the regional environment.
If the proposal proceeds as planned, the area, which is bigger than Kings Park, would be converted to a high-density suburb in a joint venture with Satterley Property Development.
So far, however, church leaders have declined to comment to us on the project, referring all questions to Satterley, one of Australia’s wealthiest property developers. Satterley has been reluctant to engage in any meaningful consultation with the local community.
Our biggest question – why would the Anglican Church support a proposal that potentially threatens the lives of local residents in one of Australia’s most bushfire-prone localities?
And we don’t believe it’s OK for the joint venturers to clear more than 165 hectares of trees and bush, along with the long-established homes of native wildlife in the heart of Hills’ country.
Despite THREE attempts, we haven’t been able to get any meaningful response from the Anglican Diocesan Board of Trustees.
But we’ll keep trying...
