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Save Perth Hills Inc

Why it's OK to fire up!

Save Perth Hills comments on John Bell’s post below.

We're ALL thinking it John! Well said 👏🏻

The inappropriateness of urbanisation in high fire risk zones is all the more clear....

Yesterday, members of Save Perth Hills met with leader of the WA Nationals, Terry Redmond, at State Parliament to share our concerns. We have requested he write to Planning Minister Rita Saffioti and join the support across all party lines calling for the scrapping of the dangerous and destructive North Stoneville plan.

We also wrote to Premier Mark McGowan requesting an urgent meeting. Prevention is better than cure Mark McGowan! We look forward to meeting with you.

Post below from John Bell on the Mundaring Shire Community Facebook page.

The country burns, properties are lost and people are killed.

Yet here in MUNDARING we have the North Stoneville / Parkerville development of the Anglican Church / Satterley grinding forwards to create a whole new, large scale development in an extreme fire risk area with highly constrained access and egress.

The future is in the hands of box ticking bureaucrats in the WA Planning Commission and probably subject to the influences of the rich and powerful.

Even blind Freddy can see that they are setting the scene for disaster but we can be sure that the proponents will be long gone when this happens, their pockets filled with gold. We met all bureaucratic requirements they will say.

The Church, in their hearts. know that they are creating a monster yet imo they are being driven by a desire for the cash, values be damned..

Where is the common sense and political leadership that the community needs at this time?

This is a direct cry for help to the State Government to show Leadership and stop this development right now.

If you share my views then please share this to your networks.

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