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Blog Posts

  • Save Perth Hills Inc

Is this the TURNING POINT we've been waiting for?

The long-proposed North PARKERVILLE townsite of 730 URBAN lots for around 2,500 people, across the road from North $toneville, has been ABANDONED.

Instead - a RURAL RESIDENTIAL plan for 67 lots, 5-acres and larger, for about 250 people, is on the table.

In a flyer to residents near the Wedgetail Circle site, the developer says:

“Through listening carefully to the local community, we have proposed a plan with 67 Rural Residential lots that preserves the character of Parkerville.”

Listening carefully to the Community? That’s more like it!

Acknowledging bushfire challenges, the developer states “...each of the 67 lots will have a designated firefighting water tank.”

Mundaring Council will receive a presentation late January on the new proposal. We're watching this space carefully...

In 2020 Save Perth Hills applied to WA's Planning Dept to re-zone North $toneville back to ‘Rural’. This re-zone option remains a solution for safer, more environmentally respectful, and sustainable planning.

So, we ask: If North Parkerville can viably switch to a Rural Residential outcome – why not North $toneville?

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  • Save Perth Hills Inc

Did you know Woodside Energy, Australia’s oil and gas giant, had Perth Hills earmarked for a significant industrial project?

While stopping North $toneville is SPH’s priority, we often work behind the scenes, especially if we feel the essence of Perth Hills could be threatened.

Last year Woodside Energy and East Metro Regional Council (EMRC), wanted to build a Carbon-Ethanol Pilot Plant, with an enclosed 24/7 flame  AND a batching plant to ‘encapsulate Toxic Class 5 Fly Ash’. (see image below)

All this, on John Forrest National Park’s southern boundary, at Red Hill’s waste site on Toodyay Rd.

During 2023 SPH and Stoneville & Parkerville Progress Association Inc (SPPA), attended community meetings held by Woodside, which overwhelming opposed the plan.

We also met Woodside, privately, advocating strongly against the plan, citing bushfire and evacuation risks, and the utter inappropriateness of this type of industrialisation in Perth’s Hills.

Well, Woodside has now 'quietly' pulled the pin, citing ‘cost effectiveness’...

We cite the Power of Community.

Our Hills are beautiful and unique – and vulnerable and volatile.

So, take note $atterley... 33-years on, SPH commits to continue to defend our Hills relentlessly, to ensure future planning, in whatever form, safeguards, not endangers, our Community, and our environment.

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  • Save Perth Hills Inc

Updated: Jan 21

We respectfully advise the following post references bushfire trauma

Save Perth Hills respectfully acknowledges the significance of today’s date: January 12.

Today marks ten years since the devastating 2014 bushfires swept through Stoneville, Parkerville, and Mt Helena, with the loss of 57 homes.

It took 3 weeks to extinguish the flames, but, for many, the fallout from this disaster will remain forever.

Commemorating significant events like this is difficult. But days like today can help to remind us of the incredible capacity of our Community to unite and help each other in the most challenging of times.

It can also allow us to feel the reassurance of our collective commitment to make sure planning in our bushfire zones safeguards, and not endangers us, into the future.

Today, and always, we stand as one with our Community…

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