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Save Perth Hills Inc

The dangerous and destructive North Stoneville plan is just weeks away from determination and Save Perth Hills is watching, very closely, the Royal Commission into the Black Summer of Fires.

Already, Day 1 confirmed what we have long-known and shared, with the Government, Shire, land-owner (Anglican Church), and Satterley:

🔥 ”Climate change means that the past is no longer a guide to future climate-related impacts and risks." (Dr Helen Cleugh: CSIRO), and;

🔥” seasons would not only start earlier and finish later, but become worse and more extreme.” (Dr Karl Braganza: Bureau of Meteorology).

Save Perth Hills mandate that putting 4,000+ people inside an extreme bushfire zone, will create a fire trap.

We base our facts on the work of these very scientists who predicted and warned of the Summer of Fires, and who are now informing the Royal Commission.

The evidence tells us - urbanising North Stoneville is a dangerous plan of the past.

That’s why it conflicts with current State Planning Policies - huge road risks, zero public transport, insufficient fire exits, no MetroNet access.

And, it collides head on, with the State’s Fire Policy ‘3.7’ by creating insurmountable bushfire dangers.

We say, again, to the State Government: Heed the warnings - and the science.

Plan for the future, not the past, and safeguard our fire-prone communities, like the Perth Hills.

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