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Bushfires in Winter!

Save Perth Hills Inc

Dear Nigel and your ‘Friendly Satterley team’,

While you’re all celebrating WA Day, and planning to build a subdivision in one of Australia’s most fire prone regions, we in the Hills are battling bushfires - in winter...

The WA Bureau of Metrology has confirmed Perth experienced the driest May in 50 years – with continuing unseasonally dry and fire dangerous conditions.

Understandably, Mundaring Shire – and several neighbouring Shires, have EXTENDED Fire Restriction Bans to June 14.

Emergency WA’s long weekend incident list shows multiple fires in Parkerville, Mt Helena, Chidlow, Gidgegannup and yes, Stoneville. This morning there was a fire, just down the road from the planned subdivision.

So Nigel, Save Perth Hills will continue to fight your proposed North Stoneville townsite which is now in a region experiencing an almost year-round fire risk.

We will continue to seek support from our Local MP Matthew Hughes Member for Kalamunda and Ken Wyatt, and we’ll continue to put our case to Planning Minister Rita Saffioti MLA, Emergency Services Minister Fran Logan MLA and Minister for Local Government David Templeman MLA

With Satterley’s relentless push to introduce thousands of suburban homes and thousands more vulnerable people into ***Australia’s 5th highest fire risk Shire***, you clearly do not – or refuse to, understand or respect the increasing environmental and climatic challenges and the life-threatening risks they pose - to us all.

Urbanising Perth Hills is dangerous and destructive.

How many more times do we have to tell you -

NO NIGEL NO. We don’t want a North Stoneville townsite!

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