You've all been asking and here it is!
SUNDAY - FEB 5, 10am - Sculpture Park, Mundaring
A BLOCKBUSTER Community Rally to "SAY NO AGAIN", to proposed North $toneville.
$atterley has once AGAIN chosen a challenging time of year to launch an ‘amended’ plan in January – during school holidays, and the height of Bushfire season.
No amount of tweaking will make this urbanisation plan safe. That's why our Council, Community, DFES and WA’s highest planning authority, WAPC, have ALL REJECTED it.
We knew this plan was wrong in 2018!
Urbanisation of this site has been wrong - for 32 YEARS!
Add Climate Change disasters, the droughts, the floods the bushfires, Australia’s Summer of Fires.
And – the Wooroloo Mega Fire last year - 87 homes lost and burning 5 kms from this site.
We’ll welcome esteemed experts to our Rally – among them - BOB BROWN, Founder of the Greens – Australia’s Environmental Legend.
More info soon – for now Save the Date. Feb 5 - and join our Hills Community to get ready to "SAY NO AGAIN" to ‘North $toneville’.