THANK YOU!!! ...for your amazing support!
More than 1,000 people signed our petition that North $toneville’s Extreme Bushfire Risks should not - and CANNOT, be ‘MEDIATED.’
$atterley’s scheduled March 11 mediation hearing (their 8th) into North $toneville was CANCELLED and no new date yet. ('Covid-related' apparently). It's the second time this month the hearing’s been called off.
Our local newspaper, The Echo, is keeping a close eye on it - see link below.
We’re writing to Planning Minister Saffioti and will include many of your comments expressing outrage that Communities, including ours, are being gagged and denied the right to be involved, actively, in planning reviews about developments that will impact them forever more.
Save Perth Hills will NOT be gagged. 31 years' strong - and growing stronger!!!
Which reminds us: Where Wooroloo’s Bushfire Report???