After 4 pub tests, we were feeling sort of confused and groggy… but this heatwave has got us back to the bar with Pub Test #5. This evening, we ask you good punters… does Mr Peter Ciemitis, Principal at RobertsDay and member of the Government’s State Design Review Panel pass the pub test?
This is what we know about Peter...
RobertsDay is engaged by Satterley Property Group on North Stoneville. In fact, Peter is credited with doing the URBAN DESIGN for Structure Plan 34 (AKA North Stoneville)… BUT THEN… what does the State Design Review Panel do, you may ask?
Excerpt from 👇 “The State Design Review Panel is a multi-disciplinary panel of highly-experienced built environment professionals from industry and government that provides ☞INDEPENDENT☜ advice on the design quality of major development proposals. Chaired by Government Architect Geoff Warn, the newly-appointed design review panel provides advice to government agencies, decision-makers and proponents, including the WA Planning Commission.”
A few of you might recognise Peter… He popped up the hill on July 7 to attend the Satterley ‘drop in day’. He also attended the 27th August *Special Council meeting* when our Councillors - and locals, delivered a unanimous NO to North Stoneville AND, earlier this year, Peter took an active role during a high level Save Perth Hills committee meeting with Satterley’s most senior execs regarding North Stoneville.
Does this ☝️ PASS the Pub Test?
