⚠️ Black Saturday, Black Summer, Parkerville/Stoneville 2003, 2008, 2014 🔥 Fire prevention comes down to good planning and North $toneville is the worst kind planning. Suburbia in a high risk fire zone = disaster. Can you get your deputations to Save Perth Hills in the next 5 days? We need as many deputations we can get by next Thursday 9th of July so we can send to the WAP...C. You know all the talking points on this critical issue but we'll be counting down to the 9th so as many deputations can be sent in as possible. Can you help us match or even increase the nearly 1000 letters sent to the Shire of Mundaring in January 2019? Details including Fact Sheet and Template are all available here: https://www.saveperthhills.net/wapc-deputations Please email your deputation to us at: saveperthhillsinc@gmail.com, or post 📮 to: Save Perth Hills PO Box 33, Stoneville, WA 6081 Once it's gone, it's gone!
