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Save Perth Hills Inc

$atterley has barely spoken to this Community about their Dangerous and Destructive North $toneville Disaster Plan.

...But Nigel $atterley is speaking loud and clear by holding an elaborate Election Fundraising PARTY - $1500 a head, to influence Government policy and big business. (Thank you to the many of you for getting in touch about this story!)

All designed to further expand his empire including bulldozing hundreds of hectares of native forest for hundreds of tiny houses inside an Extreme Bushfire Zone.

As taxpayers and ratepayers, we REFUSE $atterley’s North $toneville. DFES, the WA Planning Commission, Shire of Mundaring AND the Community have all REFUSED North Stoneville. Is $atterley’s so desperate it needs to BUY government loyalty to WIN North $toneville?

Remember: If North $toneville is approved the developer door is opened for an urban sprawl onslaught that will DESTROY Perth’s Hills and this biodiversity hotspot, forever.

The old saying - ‘there’s no such thing as a free lunch’, has never rung more true.

The Government must NOT allow people to be put in peril, and allow destruction of our native forest so Satterley and the Anglican Church can pocket massive profits. The community belongs to the people and we the people want to Save Perth’s Hills for future generations.

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Plan for the future, not the past, and safeguard Perth Hills bushfire prone communities.

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