People power, community power and pure determination has put an end to disastrous North $toneville.
Every deputation, banner, sticker, Facebook like and more has contributed to this historic result!
Today we have laid the foundations for a Perth Hills future that is not urban sprawl, that protects Perth’s backyard for everyone and keeps the Perth Hills region safer. The Perth Hills are not to be urbanised.
To every Save Perth Hills Chair and committee member who has been involved over the past 26 years, this one is for you 🤩
3 strikes and surely out!
...and FROM THE WAPC 👇
The Western Australian Planning Commission’s (WAPC) Statutory Planning Committee met earlier today, resolving to refuse the draft North Stoneville Structure Plan No.34 (SP34).
Refusal of the application was on the basis that the applicant did not convince the Committee that the proposal meets the intent and objectives of State Planning Policy 3.7 Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas.
During the meeting, the Committee received deputations from 13 parties, including the developer Satterley Property Group, the Shire of Mundaring and local community groups. The Committee also noted a number of written deputations that were received.
The Committee’s decision is consistent with recommendations of both the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and the Shire of Mundaring, and considered advice provided by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services.
Minutes of the meeting will be published online at www.dplh.wa.gov.au/wapc by Friday,
24 July 2020.